Month: October 2022

Ponder 2

i think i know why he loves art so much i think it’s because it gets messy and dirty and it reminds him about the wild and i think he reminds him of the colour of the jungle?. what do you think is why he likes art?. blog you later bye!!!

Steve’s Life

Kia Ora bloggers, this is my film i did with kato,alyan,etena,and cartell this film is about this Minecraft character  that builds houses for him self but then always get blown up by a creeper. what did you think about this film?. blog you later bye!!

Ponder 1

i think i will travel in time to my great great grandparents because i never have met my grandparents in person and i would like to have time with them before they pass away and the reason why i didn’t pick too meet my great great grandchildren is because i might be still alive an i might still meet them. who would rather meet your great  great grandparents or your great great grandchildren?. blog you later bye!!!